Hoop Finder

TopHoops is an Upfront Merchant on TheFind. Click for info.

100% Price Guarantee

Top Hoops 100% Best Price Guarantee

We have gone to great lengths to browse the internet and review pricing from competing vendors everywhere. TopHoops.com has become one of the largest basketball hoop and basketball equipment retailers in the United States, offering the best value for the money on the internet. It is our goal to offer you the best selection, service and value anywhere. If you have any challenges and or questions, our staff is only a phone call away.

If you find a price lower than ours, you may qualify for an even better price. You can request that we match a competitor’s price if you meet the eligibility requirements listed below:

  • The item you’re referencing must be the exact same make, model, and sku# from the specific manufacturer as referenced by TopHoops.com.
  • Price difference must include all applicable charges, including shipping, taxes, etc.
  • Should items be deemed below MAP, MARP (Manufacturers contracted terms for Minimum Advertised Pricing) set forth by manufacturers, items may not be subject to the price guarantee.
  • At times certain internet retailers may price their items for sale at un-reasonable levels (typically below the required MAP pricing). We will do our best at all times to match these specific deals when possible; however, certain items may be excluded from our best price guarantee.